Thursday, June 22, 2006

it's juz another day

its another day at home again. though it's kinda boring to stay home.. i'm starting to get used to it.. ahaks... this don't sound good but then i just can't help it! s h i t t t t t t !

it was raining since the very morning so i was like.. uhm.. hibernating in my cozy bed again.. til i receive this call from XXXXBank again. it has been the 5th call since last week. i got really pissed off cuz they have been calling me and etc and asking me same thing over and over again... and it makes me gets even more frustrated when they kept passing the line from one to another. i know the worldcup fever is around but i'm just not a damn fugging football to be kicked here and there-lah...

it stopped raining about noon, which is a good thing since i have a long to-do list queuing up. so i completed one today. well, yea only one. not so productive but, eh.. cacated edi la ok? :(

I noticed I have an unread sms, n it was like asking me sumthing like " dey macha, sudah makan ah? " well the sender is not from my phone book but it does look familiar. i replied with a guess of the sender and bingo.. the genius me just got it right on the 1st guess.. hee hee! anyway my reply was likda 45 minutes after i received the sms so i guess the lunch time is over by then. sorry, g.. there's always next time though ;)

JT from office called at about 4pm saying he'll be coming over with his boss... who is a very nice guy. in fact, most colleagues are nice... heehee... way better than the previous fugging shitty co. anyway, should not go in detail cuz that's the past and i did have extra 2 close colleague who is now my goodie friend from the freaking fugging co. ahaksss! anyway about JT and boss, JT said he wanna buy some fruits since they are coming over to visit me and asked what fruit i liked.. and he ended up concluding that he should get me some durians.. and only those durians that comes with FREE maggots. yayyyyyyyyy........... FEAR FACTOR PENANG II ... and its good.. protein eh!! but in the end tak jadi,cancelled cuz i thought i had something to do (something from my to-do list) which was left unattended until now!

honeyz came over today after work. she brought 2 companion.. Neo & TJS ? I hope I got the initials correctly.. anyway, Neo was like super duper hyper active compare to the other one. Neo is da smaller 1 so you should know which is the other 1.. cute right? but rather stinky.. honeyz said she cleans it 2-3 times aday but fuwahhhhhhh the smell more hebat than Polo Sport Perfume!

so the 2 little greenpeas were left in my house while we went McD-ing with Joy and CH. I was made fun off cuz of my popoye hand. Blehhh! I will be fine real soon then I can eat burger nicely with my TWO hands! hmphhhhh!!!!!!! today only can eat nuggets! boo!! anyhow as usual ,i just loveeeeeeeeeeee to meet up with old friends ;)


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