Monday, July 04, 2005

Am I really the Black Sheep?

Bad things keep happening around me.

I went to have lunch with Gie and J and things were all just fine, except for the sunny weather that is...

Gie left after lunch, while I was with J.. going for some shopping before she leaves to KL tomorrow. We were chatting all along and all of the sudden, the damn car in front of us brake all of the sudden and J didn't really noticed it. Perhaps it was my fault. I was talking to her and she turned over and look at me and when I asked her to stop, it was a little bit too late already :(

Yet the guy came down and asked how J drive, til hit his back. *pfttttt*

After going through all the hassle, we managed to settle.. after standing under the damn hot sun for almost an hour.. having so many cars slowing down to look at us.. having those tow trucks coming over, having his friends to come over and see the condition of the car.. and having my friend to see my standing there, thus she also came over and have a look -_- How embarrassing... and this is the very 1st time in my life to be in a car, which went to kiss other's back..

Though the damage was kinda severe, I am glad we were all alright.. just that J got nagged nonstop.. =x


At 8:15 PM, Blogger Dying Fish aka Fish Who Can't Swim said...

Tomolo will be fine. It's ya lucky day. 05-07-2005

But for mine is 05-07-2004


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